Generating Unfair Advantage Using Psychology

While ordinary marketing minds remain content hiding behind dated industry ‘best practices’ and ‘innovating’ with the same technologies that their competitors use, Extraordinary marketing minds understand that all marketing is psychology and marketers with expertise in this domain hold the keys to generating unfair competitive advantage for their brands and careers.

Our 8P Professional Development Training for marketing leaders is a 3 part programme built around:

8P Inspirational Presentations - Designed to be 1-hour tasters that transform how you think about marketing. They are suitable for in-house lunch & learn sessions or industry event keynotes.

8P Masterclass Workshops - 3-hour interactive deep dive that are delivered onsite at your office or virtually.

8P Action Planning Sessions - Expert bespoke consultancy that follow up the workshops and help you develop business cases, strategic plans and agency briefs for implementing psychology into your marketing.

Please see below for more information.

  • The New 8th of Marketing: Psychology

    Description: An introductory session designed to inspire new thinking. Suitable for in-house lunch & learn sessions or industry event keynotes

    Duration: 1 hour

    Delivery Options: Onsite or virtual


    Introduction - including a quick refresher of the 7Ps of Marketing, a practical definition of psychology, key reasons why psychology is so important in marketing.

    Bolstering the 7Ps of Marketing - How applying psychology to the existing marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence) will improve effectiveness and ROI.

    Q&A - Opportunity for the team to ask the expert any questions.

  • The New 8th of Marketing: Psychology

    Description: Interactive 3-hour deep dive sessions designed to educate and empower you with a new perspective on marketing. The session will arm you with cutting-edge insights and strategies that you can apply to your business the very next day.

    Duration: 3 hours

    Delivery Options: Onsite or virtual


    1. Psychology as the new 8th Dimension of the marketing mix

    What do mean by psychology and what makes up the marketing psychology toolkit? Why is it so important?

    II. Applying psychology to the existing 7P marketing mix.

    How can psychology bolster and increase effectiveness across the 7Ps of marketing?

    1P - Product Development

    How can you improve customer satisfaction, purchase intent, product ratings, and customer loyalty by optimising product features or developing new products that align with the customers psychological needs, wants and desires?

    2P - Pricing Strategies

    How can you increase sales revenue and improve competitive price perception by influencing the customers perception of value and how prices are framed?

    3P - Place and Environments

    How to increase customers' time spent in-stores or websites, basket value and conversion rates by ensuring your product environments are psychologically barrier-free and convenient for the customer?

    4P - Promotion and Communications

    How to build trust and increase sales velocity by communicating with customers and giving them a reason to choose our product over competitors by engaging psychological principles such as needs, values and social proofing?

    5P - People

    How to improve customer life-time value and drive brand advocacy by recognising that customers cannot separate the product/service from the staff who provide it and ensuring human touch points are leaving the right impression on customers?

    6P - Processes

    How to improve customer satisfaction, reduce cart abandonment rates and increase conversion rates by acknowledging that customers don’t just buy products/services, they invest in an entire experience and by reducing cognitive load and customer friction points?

    7P - Physical Evidence

    How to increase purchase intent and drive higher conversion rates by reducing the risk for customers buying a new product/service and providing reinforcing factors to help them ‘see’ what they will get while positively impacting the customers mental decision-making process?

    IV. Closing Q&A and Wrap-Up

    Recap of key takeaways.

    Action planning session - opportunity for a tailored action planning session for participants to integrate psychology into their specific marketing strategies.

    Open forum Q&A.

  • The New 8th of Marketing: Psychology

    Description: Expert-guided action planning session(s) for marketing leaders seeking to gain a competitive edge by integrating psychology into their marketing strategies.

    These are perfect for marketing leaders who have participated in a masterclass workshop.

    Duration: 1-3 hours

    Delivery Options: Onsite or virtual

    Content: Consultancy to develop business cases, strategic plans and agency briefs.